Unilateral divorce in Da Nang


Divorce in Da Nang is an important turning point in life. Our divorce lawyers in Da Nang clearly understand that clients must go through a challenging and emotional process during this period. The divorce procedure in Vietnam is very complex and requires divorce lawyers in Da Nang with professional experience in this field. Our divorce lawyers in Da Nang also understand our role in helping clients to get divorced more easily and accompanying clients through this challenging process.

In this article, we guide and explain to you the important and basic legal issues related to unilateral divorce procedures in Da Nang.

1. What documents are required for unilateral divorce in Da Nang?

The applicant must prepare the following documents in full for the Court to resolve the unilateral divorce:
  • Application for unilateral divorce according to the issued form;
  • Marriage registration certificate (Original), if not available, please request a copy;
  • Certified copy of the Identity Card/Citizen Identification Card of the husband and wife;
  • Confirmation of residence (replacing the family’s household registration book);
  • Copy of the child’s birth certificate if there is a common child;
  • If there is a common child and there is a request to divide the property after the divorce, there must be documents proving ownership of that property.


Address: 141 Diep Minh Chau, Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, Da Nang City

Phone: 0931548999; 02367300899

2. The competent court to resolve a unilateral divorce in Da Nang – divorce lawyers in Da Nang

The competent court to resolve a unilateral divorce in Da Nang is the court where the defendant resides or works. The competent court to resolve a unilateral divorce may be the district court or the provincial court.

According to Article 39 of the Civil Procedure Code:

“Article 39. Court’s jurisdiction by territory

The Court’s jurisdiction to resolve civil cases by territory is determined as follows:

a) The Court where the defendant resides or works, if the defendant is an individual, or where the defendant is headquartered, if the defendant is an agency or organization, has the authority to resolve according to first-instance procedures disputes regarding civil, marriage and family, business, trade and labor prescribed in Articles 26, 28, 30 and 32 of this Code.”

3. The process of Unilateral divorce in Da Nang

Step 1: The petitioner requesting divorce submits the petition to the competence Court.

The petitioner requesting a divorce must submit a petition to the competent court. The petition includes the following content: spouse’s name and information, name of the court, and lawsuit claim. The petitioner must attach to the application the relevant documents, and evidence proving their lawsuit claim as mentioned above.

Step 2: Pay the court fee in advance

The judge will consider the petition and issue the notification of payment court fee advance if seeing the petition satisfies the conditions according to law.

After the court receives the court fee advance, the judge will accept the case to resolve the petitioner’s request.

Step 3: The court holds a mediation session between husband and wife.

Before bringing the lawsuit to court for trial, the judge will hold a mediation session to mend the relationship between husband and wife. If the mediation efforts are not successful, the judge will continue the session in order to help spouses reach an agreement on common property and debt division; and child custody. If the couple cannot reach an agreement on all of the above issues, the judge will bring the case to court for trial.

Step 4: The court to bring the case to trial 

4. In case of unilateral divorce, how are the court fees calculated, and how long does it take to resolve?

4.1. Regarding court fees

In a unilateral divorce case, in addition to the requirement of the marital relationship, the couple will usually request the division of the marital property. Therefore, according to the provisions of Resolution No. 326/2016/UBTVQH14, if a divorce case does not have a threshold, the court fee is 300,000 VND.
On the contrary, if the divorce case has a threshold, based on the value of the divided property, the divorce court fee will be 300,000 VND or more. Which, the highest for property over 4 billion VND, the court fee is 112 million VND plus 0.1% of the property value exceeding 4 billion VND.

4.2. Time to resolve the unilateral divorce in Da Nang

It takes around 7 – 12 months for the court to settle the unilateral divorce in Da Nang.

5. Duong Gia Law Firm supports unilateral divorce procedures

In addition to the head office in Hanoi and a branch in Ho Chi Minh City, we also have a branch in Da Nang City. Therefore, in case customers need legal advice and support on unilateral divorce procedures in Da Nang as well as all provinces and cities across the country, they can work directly with Duong Gia Law Firm’s Lawyers.
Duong Gia Law Firm’s team of Lawyers is always ready to support and resolve all difficulties and problems of customers.
  • Legal advice on unilateral divorce, family marriage, and all related legal issues.
  • Absolute confidentiality of customer information.
  • Drafting a petition, and preparing a lawsuit file.
  • Consulting on solutions for common property, and common debt, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of customers.
  • Consulting on child custody and child support.
  • Receive full authorization, and send Lawyers to participate throughout the settlement process at the competent People’s Court.
  • Optimal quality of legal services, and reasonable costs.
  • Lawyers with high expertise, many years of experience, dedicated and enthusiastic in solving work.
  • Accompanying customers from the beginning until all problems are resolved.

6. Why should you use the divorce service in Binh Dinh of Duong Gia Law?

Reasons for customers to use our divorce settlement service with foreign elements:
  • Professional Lawyers:
With a team of Lawyers with many years of experience in the field of marriage and family, Duong Gia Law believes that it will provide customers with the most prestigious, confidential, cost-saving, and fastest divorce settlement services with foreign elements.
  • Duong Gia Law Firm has branches in all 3 regions, handling all requests for Lawyer services in Da Nang in particular and nationwide in general:
Duong Gia Law currently has branches in all 3 regions with 3 headquarters in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Duong Gia Law has enough Lawyers, who can contact all local Courts and competent State agencies to handle all needs for divorce settlement services with foreign elements of all customers nationwide.
  • Professional, fast, time-saving, and cost-saving services:
When using Duong Gia Law’s services, we commit to a total cost, clear and accurate time, and professional lawyer style (fully complying with the Code of Ethics for Lawyers).
  • 100% customer information confidentiality:
All customer information, case information, and legal service contract information are 100% confidential by Duong Gia Law. Duong Gia Law will not provide any information to any third party without the customer’s consent.
Introducing Duong Gia Law Firm LLC – Prestigious Legal Services!

7. Contact information to use the services of Luat Duong Gia

To use the service, please contact us with the following detailed contact information:
– Address: 141 Diep Minh Chau, Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, Da Nang City.
– Phone number to request Lawyer service: 093.154.8999 (can be contacted via Zalo)
– Email to receive service requests: danang@luatduonggia.vn
The above is an article about “Unilateral divorce in Da Nang”. If you still have questions or want to use the service, contact Luat Duong Gia immediately via hotline: 093.154.8999 for the fastest and most effective advice and support!


Address: 141 Diep Minh Chau, Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, Da Nang City

Phone: 0931548999; 02367300899

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